January 2023

Volume 9 / Issue 1 | Cairn Monthly e-magazine

business update

Birth of New Production Asset


Jorhat, Assam

In a watershed moment, on December 2, 2022, Cairn Oil & Gas added a new production asset to our energy portfolio towards our vision to further augment domestic oil & gas production. Hazarigaon field which was awarded to Cairn under Discovered Small Fields (DSF) commenced hydrocarbon production and started flowing gas to Assam Gas Company Ltd. (AGCL), becoming the first company in the north east region to begin production from DSF block. The gas produced from the block will be the prime contributor to 100 CNG buses that will be plying in Guwahati as a part of the clean energy initiative of Government of Assam. AGCL had successfully layed and connected our Hazarigaon-1 well with its main trunk line paving the way for a fit for purpose EWT set-up, which is also the processing plant for the field. Also, for the first time a wellsite based CNG mother station is under commissioning in the Hazarigaon field.


This historic achievement takes us one step closer to fulfilling India’s energy dreams.

New Production Facility


Vadodara, Gujarat

On December 15, 2022, Jaya field located in the Cambay block became the first Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) block to start the sale of gas through cascades. The field saw fast track development from discovery to monetization in 15 months. This is first of its kind production facility where in sales through CNG cascades systems are being done by an E&P operator from an exploration well site. Modular Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) is in-place for seamless evacuation and sales with multiple buyers to boost the economy region.


The achievement reinstates our belief in our vision of making India truly Aatmanirbhar.

FATEH - Safety Mock Drill


Barmer, Rajasthan

To test the preparedness of joint operations of Armed Border Home Guards along with Emergency Response Team (ERT) of Cairn Oil & Gas in a scenario of armed terrorist attack on our installation was conducted at Mangala Processing Terminal in Barmer, Rajasthan on December 22, 2022. This exercise was also executed to test the co-ordination between different forces available in and around Barmer and their response to emergency scenarios.


The Border Home Guards and the ERT were provided with a fictional scenario based on real life threats. The teams took appropriate actions and successfully handled the crisis. This multi party mock drill involved various teams involving state, region and local administration who are responsible for safety and security of installations which are of national importance. Mr Chandan Panwar, Tehsildar Barmer along with Sqn Ldr Nasib Singh Kadian, General Manager - Security & Administration, Cairn were the observers of the exercise. These mock drills are crucial for our business as a part of the HSE preparedness for the safety of people and asset.


Young Brigades


Barmer, Rajasthan

Our 3rd batch of campus hires joined the organisation under the BOLD program designed to build solid business and technical understanding to empower our young minds. 51 GETs from India’s top engineering colleges joined hands with our world-class talent at Cairn. As part of the onboarding the BOLD induction was organized from December 19-23, 2022 in Barmer, Rajasthan. The trainees received hands-on knowledge about our business and CSR practices, underwent various trainings, visited site locations and experienced our CSR interventions in and around our operations. The week-long induction program helped our young new Cairnians to understand our business progress and vision ahead.



Jaipur, Rajasthan

Marching  towards its 7th year, Vedanta organized the much awaited Vedanta Pink City Half Marathon in Jaipur, Rajasthan on December 18, 2022. More than 70 participants from Cairn ran the on-ground marathon and contributed for our cause towards eradicating malnutrition - #RunForZeroHunger. Cairn team collectively contributed more than 450 meals to less privileged children through our Nand Ghars.


Safety Campaign


Barner, Rajasthan

Handling heavy machinery and equipments possesses many health and safety risks to people involved in such operations. To understand the potential risks and hazards of moving machinery, a campaign roadshow was organised on December 13, 2022 across our operational sites in Barmer, Rajasthan. The main focus of the roadshow was to spread awareness pertaining to  machine guarding and hand and finger injuries. More than 160 personnel attended the safety campaign which was jointly inaugurated by Manish Kumar Patel, Installation Manager - SRP Operations and Ankit Bhavsar, Construction Manager – SRP. 12 staff and workmen from various business partners were recognised with on-the-spot award during campaign based on the spot quiz contest and their safe work performance.

Transforming Energy Responsibly


Gurugram, NCR

In our journey towards becoming a pioneer in the ESG space in the oil and gas sector, Cairn Annual Sustainability Report for the year 2022 reflected our key ESG interventions and progress towards a sustainable future. The report, in its essence, highlights our programs and initiatives across our operations towards building a greener future based on our ethos of truly ‘Transforming for Good’.


The cover design is inspired from our expression on sustainability ‘Transforming For Good’ -  Good for people and planet. The natural pastel shades of sheen green, ochre yellow and sky blue resembles the environment, social and governance in earthy tones of brown drops that represent mother earth.


Click here to read the report.


Contributed by The Finder Team

Christmas Celebrations


Gudamalani, Barmer

Our employees across sites celebrated the joyous occasion of Christmas through various activities including Secret Santa, Christmas theme lunches, and much more.


Our site teams in Raageshwari Gas Terminal welcomed the festivities with employees dressed in bright colors to rejoice the final lap of 2022 with a promising hope for a safe 2023 ahead.


Knowledge Treasure


Gurugram, Haryana

In an attempt to promote knowledge sharing among employees and also to reuse the information assets existing in the form of magazines and journals, the Veda Library organised ‘Build Your Knowledge Treasure: Pick -up Drive for Magazines and Journals’. Back issues from various renowned magazines and journals were made available for employees to select and pick. An overwhelming responses from employees across all departments was witnessed as the patrons choose journals and magazines of their own interest to build their treasure of knowledge.


corporate social responsibility

Upskilling Women Farmers  


Barmer, Rajasthan

Agriculture in India employees close to 80% of rural women. It, therefore becomes crucial to take necessary actions to empower the women to ensure parity in terms of opportunities and economic growth. With our vision to empower our communities towards economic growth through our Project Unnati, a new segment was initiated focusing on empowering the women farmers by upskilling their technical know-how in the agriculture sector. Nearly 300 women were trained in understanding the importance of soil testing and termite free compost production.


Contributed by Vijaypal Negi

World Soil Health Day


Barmer, Rajasthan

To observe ‘World Soil Health Day’, a special event was conducted under our Project Unnati at Madpura Sani, Kawas on December 5, 2022. The purpose of the event was to sensitize the community on the importance of soil health, judicious use of bio decomposer, as well as the various government schemes benefiting the farmers. Nearly 70 community members along with various government officials attended the event.


Contributed by Vijaypal Negi

Passion to Serve 


Barmer, Rajasthan

Our employees across our areas of operations continue to participate actively in our CSR initiatives under employee volunteering program ‘Passion to Serve’. In the past month, three employees contributed a total of five man hours towards our initiative.


Rahul Singh, Manager - CSR and Vijaypal Negi, Lead – CSR, took counselling session in Senior Secondary School Bhadka, Barmer focused on advising students in the development of their educational plans, choice of appropriate courses, entrance examinations for key universities and academic institutes. A total of 250 students benefitted from the session.


Pritvi Raj Chauhan, Stakeholder Management – RGT, acclimatized the community at Government Senior Secondary School, Mangle ki Beri, Barmer, on the occasion of World AIDS Day.


Contributed by Rahul Sharma

World AIDS Day


Barmer, Rajasthan

With the aim of spreading awareness related to AIDS and to remove the stigma surrounding it, the CSR team organized a micro level intervention on December 1, 2022 at Government Senior Secondary School Mangle Ki Beri, Barmer. Various activities ranging from nukkad nataks to musical renditions were performed with the sole purpose of uniting people to fight against the disease and not the ones that have it. 280 community members including students, staff and local villagers were a part of the intervention.


Contributed by Ramya Nair

Amulya Zindagi  


Barmer, Rajasthan

Amulya Zindagi is our six-month long CSR initiative aimed to positively impact more than one lakh lives around our operational areas, through community interventions spreading awareness around the importance of emotional, mental and physical well-being of an individual. Under this project, 290 events such as awareness sessions, nukkad nataks etc. have been organized across 263 villages impacting nearly 38,300 community members and engaging nearly 60 stakeholders with our messaging towards bringing a positive change.


Contributed by Ramya Nair

Healthcare Support


Suvali, Gujarat

Under our constant efforts towards strengthening healthcare facilities in and around our operational assets, we handed over 4000 lab testing kits to Primary Health Care (PHC) Suvali with aim to strengthen access health care services for local communities. The testing kits were handed over by Viresh Patel, Field General Manager, Cambay Offshore in presence of village sarpanch, Public Health Centre team and community members.


Contributed by Dr. Uma B Dwivedi

Community Help Desk  


Junagam, Gujarat

The Community Help Desk (CHD) project was initiated with aim to increase accessibility to various social security schemes. Taking a step forward, a new CHD center was inaugurated in Junagam, Gujarat. The fully equipped center has been established by Cairn in collaboration with village gram panchayat and Village Development Committee (VDC) to provide benefits of government social security schemes to the locals through single window approach. More than 25 schemes are covered under this program and community members can enroll themselves in these schemes as well as enquire about any scheme without any charges. The center will be run by a center coordinator selected by the community members from the village.


Contributed by Dr. Uma B Dwivedi

Educational Tour


Junagam, Gujarat

Excursion and educational tours play an important role in strengthening child’s learning during their early years. With the same belief, Cairn CSR team organized a one-day educational tour to Urmi Science Center - Kharel and Salt Satyagraha Memorial, Dandi  for the students of Navchetan Vidhyalaya, Junagam on November 28, 2022.


70 students of class IX participated in the tour where they visited science labs and received hands-on experience with laboratory experiments, attended live sessions, practical demonstrations, followed by visit to Salt Satyagraha Memorial, Dandi to reminiscence the nationalist movement towards freedom.


Contributed by Dr. Uma B Dwivedi


Thanks to all the participants for sharing their pictures showcasing the highlights of the year through the ‘Photo of the Month’ contest.



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Editor: Rashika kaul


Editorial Team

Chandan Acharya, Stuti Misra, Namrata Phithani


Design Team

Sachin Stephen, Hari Singh, Ravi Kumar


Send in your inputs to: thefinder@cairnindia.com


For internal circulation only.